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  • Writer's pictureReon Michael


Updated: Jul 16, 2023

"Perception is like a lens, it's muddy at the start maybe you wore some shade of different colors and think that this is it...this is me or worst we think that everyone perceives reality like this, this is universal !"

Perception is the way we perceive the world around us through our senses. We experience it subjectively of course, because of various factors….wait, almost all factors affect our perception of reality. For perception to take place there needs to be a perceiver (observer) and an object; this definition gives the notion that the observer is separate from the object for perception to take place. But does perception still occur when there is no separate object? Form our childhood, we realized that the perception ..the sensation we are experiencing is our experience…We became aware that the sensation we are experiencing is my sensation, adding to my individual experience of the world, thus creating our identity (our ego). But what if we go back and assume that there was no such thing as 'my' experience and 'your' experience (perception), that’s your toy and that’s my toy. And what if it was all a made-up lie a mistaken belief we picked up ourselves or we picked up from the people around us that this is the accurate perception of reality…Perception is like a lens, it's muddy at the start maybe you wore some shade of different colors and think that this is it...this is me or worst we think that everyone perceives reality like this, this is universal!; and basically you mistook the lens as 'you' and if someone tries to point out the flaws, you become all defensive and try to prove it otherwise. 'Everyone tries their best starting from their childhood to get a more and more accurate perception of reality, ever had that when you were young and you think you knew it but as you grew older and started clearing your lens of perception you realize how mislead you were, maybe cringed a little…And maybe you were one of the warriors who realized that perception can be changed and it's not absolute, it's just the matter of bringing awareness to it. And this might surely be the case for what if there is no 'you' and 'I' perception, what if the most accurate perception of reality could be that there was no individual experience… It was all just a picked up belief? While Entertaining this thought we can intuit how the state of that perception might look like…It's like being in a state of presence where there is no 'I', there is no one observing or perceiving the object; it just a toy floating in the universe, it's not your toy or my toy………….being.

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